We detected that the main CPU voltage dropped below the minimum acceptable value
Corruption was detected on the flash filesystem but we were able to repair things. If you see this failure in the field please post in the forum because we are interested in seeing if this is occurring in the field.
Corruption was detected on the flash filesystem but we were unable to repair things. NOTE: Your node will probably need to be reconfigured the next time it reboots (it will lose the region code etc...) If you see this failure in the field please post in the forum because we are interested in seeing if this is occurring in the field.
The channel tried to set a radio setting which is not supported by this chipset, radio comms settings are now undefined.
This board was expected to have a power management chip and it is missing or broken
No Lora radio hardware could be found
A (likely software but possibly hardware) failure was detected while trying to send packets. If this occurs on your board, please post in the forum so that we can ask you to collect some information to allow fixing this bug
A software bug was detected on entry to sleep
Selftest of SX1262 radio chip failed
Radio transmit hardware failure. We sent data to the radio chip, but it didn't reply with an interrupt.
A software bug was detected while trying to send lora
We failed while configuring a UBlox GPS
Not normally used
Error codes for critical errors The device might report these fault codes on the screen. If you encounter a fault code, please post on the meshtastic.discourse.group and we'll try to help.
from enum meshtastic.CriticalErrorCode